Author Archive for:ETSjules

Sable Merle email

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

A good friend emailed this to me….. I wanted to send you this my friendfound the original Scottish Collie standard. You know the Scotts, thepeople who actually invented the breed,  in 1890, The Collie Club ofScotland drafted the first breed standard. Under "eyes", it states: Eyes, of fair size, but not prominent, are placed rather […]

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Adding the Sable Merle Myth #1

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Myth/Arguement: If we change the standard here in the United States to include the Sable Merle we are opening up to other things too, like DQ's.  The Canadian Standard was changed and it is felt that the standard is the worse for it. This reply was posted by VS. This is not Canada. Apparently in […]

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Abraham on timing

Categories:Odds and Ends

Some things you're not letting happen right now because the timing isn't perfect for you. Some you're not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, "Everything in its perfect time. Everything […]

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The White Collie

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

I found this on the White Collie Club site. Very interesting.  The  Standard has been changed before and it will change again. It seems that the best way for change in the standard is to have people that are higher up in the organization to be FOR the change! Unless of course the standard review […]

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Masher x Shazaam puppies 2 week old


Spitfire He is one of the smaller puppies but he doesn't let that slow him down.  In fact, I think it helps.  When one of his moose siblings is latched onto Mom, he needles his way through them like a bullet and gets what he wants.  He is a feisty little guy. Shamoo – She's […]

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Sable Merle Open Yahoo group!!!!

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Here is a list that was just started. It is an OPEN list for all to discuss, debate, educate, and LEARN more about the Sable Merle. This list was started so as not to overwhelm other lists with this issue and because I was kicked off the CCA closed list….. NOT NICE!!!  The only rule […]

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Bobbee Roos on the Sable Merle

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Quoting from page 132 of Collie Concept, 2nd edition, 1988 "It is important that we should be aware and understand that there is a variation in the genetic color inheritance factor in many breeds and other species.  When it is understood how the color pattern produces, then our tolerance level increases." "A rare commodity is […]

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Oma’s Pride Dec. 08 order

Categories:Oma's Pride_

Orders are due on Mon. Dec. 1st and delivery will be around Fri. Dec. 12. I will post exact drop off as soon as I know. For a list of items that Oma's Pride offers go to Oma's Pride Please feel free to call me 818-399-6778 or email me

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Sable Merles

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

This is a letter from Tom Coen to the CCA board members. Dear Board Members,   As chairman of the proposed Standard Review Committee I want to update you on what has transpired to this point and let you know our tentative plans for the future.  Let me reiterate that this is a committee charged […]

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SVDFA ~ 2008

Diana showed Cole to Best of Variety both days!! Cole looked great in the groups but nothing.

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