Sable Merle email

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

A good friend emailed this to me…..

I wanted to send you this my friend
found the original Scottish Collie standard. You know the Scotts, the
people who actually invented the breed,  in 1890, The Collie Club of
Scotland drafted the first breed standard.

Under "eyes", it states:

Eyes, of fair size, but not prominent, are placed rather close together,
and set obliquely in the head, which gives that cunning foxy expression so
characteristic of the breed. Colour, any shade of brouwn, the darker the better,
yellow eyes being a great fault. Dogs of a mirled colour should have a mirled
or china eye, and sometimes both eyes are of this colour.

Note — It does not say, "dogs of a blue mirle colour", but simply "dogs of
a mirle colour" may posess mirled or china (blue) eyes.

Under "colour", (relating to the dog and not the eyes) it states"

Any colour.

It would seem the whole idea of being "hung up on blue eyes" is an
affectation of our own society — not that of The Founding Fathers!
When specifically referring to an eye colour they did not want to see on
a Collie –  merle or otherwise, The Founding Fathers agreed it was "yellow" !

Conversely, the CCofA's  Breed Standard of today states:

In blue merles, dark brown eyes are preferable, but either or both
eyes may be merle or china in color without specific penalty.

It would seem most reasonable that, rather than devise an entire new
class for the show Collie, one very unnecessary word should be removed
from this revised edition of the standard — the word "blue".  Thus it would

In merles, dark brown eyes are preferable, but either or both
eyes may be merle or china in color without specific penalty.

Of course, I well understand that "simple" and "reasonable" and even
an ACCURATE regard for the wishes of The Founding Fathers are
things we can only hope to attain in modern society.  : )

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