Author Archive for:ETSjules

Sable Merle’s

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

I thought the text from Oren Kem from The Complete Collie 1952 was VERY  interesting.  "If you will study the history of the breed, I think you will find at one time or another that both the tri and the blue were held in low regard and almost threatened with extinction by the dominating sables.  […]

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Creating with Balance

Categories:Odds and Ends

"And now we are saying to you, both steps are necessary. And the joy ofcreation, the joy of deliberate creation is managing these steps. Inother words, getting clear and allowing it. And getting clear andallowing it. And getting clear. It's about finding your individual balance. You know that you would not be happy not defining […]

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Thought for the day

Categories:Odds and Ends

So it seems obvious that the perfect creative situation is to really,really want something that you truly believe is possible. And when thatcombination of desire and belief is present within you, things will quickly and easilyunfold in your experience." Page 106Ask and It Is Given

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Thought for the day

Categories:Odds and Ends

The creativityinherent within the universeshimmers radiantly withineach of us. With each choice you make,this energy flows forth,creating and shapingyour world.

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Cory & June Bug ~ 11 weeks old ~

These are great photos but they are a little better. By the time I got help with the photo session we had lost light….. by the next morning they were dirty!!! Cory June Bug

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Cory & June Bug ~ 11 weeks old ~ pet shots~

Categories:Collie litters, Collies

So the two babies got baths today. Quick, get the camera, the pups are CLEAN!!!!!! I am posting these very pathetic pet photos because frankly it's the best I could do and well… the pups are just plain cute even if these are not great shots. I will try to get better photos tom. with […]

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The Joy of the Journey ~Abe

Categories:Odds and Ends

And we say, you've gotta make that journey joyful.You have to start enjoying the people that you're meeting. And start enjoying getting in on peoples' dreams.And begin to enjoy the fun of being part of fulfilling dreams. And enjoy the wisdom that you hold and the guidance that you're ableto give to people. And the […]

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Masher x Shazaam puppies 1 week old


Pink – Spitfire (Male) blue- Shamoo (Female) Purple- Kaboom (Male) red- Lefty (Female) Green- Soozie (Female) There are more photos on Daneen's Blog!!

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SCLA ~ 2008 AKC

Ella ran GREAT!!! She was fast and listening!!!!! We got our first Open Jumpers leg and a third place too!!!! She missedher a Frame contact in the Standard run but got the weaves on the first try!!!!! I am happy. Good girl Ella!!! No photos 🙁

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Sable Merles

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

The Collie Club of America recognizes 4 colors in the AKC standard. Sable, Tri, Blue Merle and White. What about the Sable Merle???? There is a growing call for the Sable Merle to be included in the standard. This is not the first time this issue has come up and until they are included I […]

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