Happy Birthday Milagro, Rowdy and Sadie!!!!
Rowdy Sadie
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Read moreDownload Action Dog Sportsflyer As president of Action Dog Sports an UKC club we are pleased to announce we are going to hold our very first set of 4 UKC conformation shows in Van Nuys, California on February 11-12, 2012. We hope you can join the fun and help make our very first […]
Read moreWe had so much fun watching the pups run and play at the beach. Masher was more interested in digging and cutter really liked the water and Stunner kinda hung back a bit. Trixie had fun playing with her papillon friends.
Read moreMilagro is jealous!!!!! She wants to play with sheep too!!!! Sadie Rowdy
Read moreTime for a new slate of people running the CCA. Please take the time to find out more about the candidates and ask them the hard questions. Here are two people that I support and will vote for. They both beleive that EACH and EVERY vote should count!!!~jules THE MEMBERS OF THE COLLIE CLUB […]
Read moreI took Stunner – Livewire ETS Excessive Force to his very first show. UKC has baby dog classes which I think is a GREAT idea!!! Puppies really need to be out in the world and experience it. I have taught Stunner to stack and we have been working on him letting me see his teeth […]
Read moreI am thrilled beyond words to announce that Ella earned her MACH today!!!! Thank you Daneen for always doing such a nice job handling my spotted girl!! Thank you Nancy for getting her MACH run on video as I was helping my mom move.
Read moreWe had a great time at USDAA National this year. The energy was better than last year but not quite what I have experienced when it was in Scottsdale. The organizers seemed to have learned from all that went wrong at the 2010 National and really stepped up to the plate and fixed the […]
Read moreStunner is 9 weeks old here and this was the first time on a harness. We do this to everyone we can get to play with us and when the pup is 100% good with this we then do the next step and have people feed then pet then feed some more.
Read moreI joined the Dalmatian Club of Southern Ca when I got my first Dal many many years ago. I was young and full of new ideas. The thought of hanging out with other people that loved Dals as much as I did sounded like a great idea. I soon found out that dog clubs can […]
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