Ella ~ DART USDAA 09 ~ AD Jumpers
On the AD Jumpers course Ella was listening and running fast. She knocked a bar…. which she hardly EVER does and I gave her a right when it should have been a left and I said OUT instead of GO at the end and she did just what I asked her to do…. she went out to the tunnel and not GO to the last jump.
We also had a bit of a snaffu with the jump setter who decided to set the jump as Ella was coming back around to take that jump again. Another day another show. I am just happy that Ella seems to be having lots of fun and is staying connected with me.
ugh!!! I would have killed that pole setter!!! Poor Ella, that would have seriously freaked some dogs out to have someone kneeling on the ground as they came upon their jump!! She sure is fast!! Reminds me of my Tate, I couldn’t think fast enough sometimes!