The Sable Merle & Standard Revision by Kathy Moll
The vote taken nearly 3 years ago by special meeting of the CCA membership was recently posted on this list. Those who wrote the petition calling for a special meeting vote said that its purpose was to determine whether or not the majority of our club members would like to have the sable merle included in the standard. It was not a vote on an actual revision since none had been made. It was intended to determine what the membership would like to see happen. More members voted on this question than had ever voted in any election that I can remember in the 30+ years I've been a CCA member. The majority voted "yes." This was an actual special meeting vote as per our constitution.
Do we care that the majority of our members would like to see a revision, or do we ignore them? We can quibble over details but the fact is clear. Pretending that the members were not interested and did not want to see more about a possible revision doesn't alter the vote and neither does dragging this on for nearly 3 years. A revision presented to the general membership for a vote would either have passed by a 2/3 majority or it wouldn't have.
Presenting a brief revision to include the sable merle for all members to see is the right thing to do. Ignoring the special meeting membership vote hasn't worked. A revision should be minimal but should clarify the Standard. It either passes by a 2/3 vote or it doesn't. One way or the other, it's over.
The procedures from AKC and those by the CCA to revise and vote are below. They seem clear. Nearly 3 years ago, AKC said when asked, that sable merles would not need a separate color class and that rough sable merles entered in a color class should be entered in Open Sable.
AKC Breed Standard Revision Procedure
A revision consists of any change, deletion, clarification, or interpretation to a standard. Once the Board of Directors has approved a standard there is a five year moratorium on revision.
Parent Club
A. A Breed Standard Committee is formed to review and formulate revisions.
B. Notify staff of the American Kennel Club that the club is in the process of reviewing the standard.
C. Submit revisions to AKC staff for input while being developed. Staff will submit final revision to the Board of Directors for their comment and authority for the club to proceed to ballot the membership.
D. Balloting membership in accordance with Clubs Constitution and By-Laws. The ballot must also inform the membership of the five year moratorium.
E. Submit results of balloting, copy of the ballot, cover letter and standard to the AKC. If the proposed revisions do not receive sufficient numbers of votes to be approved, notify the AKC staff.
F. Ballot results that support a revision to the standard will be scheduled for inclusion on the agenda of the AKC Board for approval. The submitted proposed standard will be published on the Secretary’s Page.
G. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, notification is sent to the Parent Club with reiteration of the five year moratorium.
H. The approved standard is published on the Secretary’s Page.
CCA Constitution & Bylaws – Article VI, Section 2 – Changes in the Standard
The Standard may be changed if such changes are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws of The American Kennel Club, at any annual or special meeting called for the purpose. Notice of the meeting shall be sent one hundred twenty (120) days in advance of the time of the meeting and the proposed changes shall be incorporated in the notice. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those voting shall be required for the amendment of the Standard.