Post by Sally Futh for Bob Futh
'Survey to All Members
…. what is still going to happen: to survey CCA's membership
regarding any change to the Collie Standard of Perfection, particularly
in regard to the current widespread concern about judging the Sable
A vote may only be taken regarding the Standard after AKC has approved specific wording. The survey, as distributed in Calif. and available in Springfield at the conference and at the secretary'; table afteward, will be sent to ALL members -who are being asked to give their opinion on whether or not a change to the Standard is desirable.
Since the petition "require"s a vote and "demand"s that a vote be taken, no, it will not be honored.
Instead, the survey, which was on the drawing board long before the petition was circulated, will go forward as has always been planned.
Bob Futh
As I stated previously, if you want an answer from me, please write to me directly at
That sounds great to me! But there are 2 survey's out there. The first was handed out at the So CA Sable Merle meeting and is posted here on my blog and the other is the survey that went out to 80+ mentors……. Maybe we should fill out both and send them in 🙂