Harmony ~ KCP 09
This was Harmony’s second show ever. The first show was not so good….. When the judge went to go over her, Harmony EEEPPEED and the judge jumped back and harmony won 🙁 So we have been working on this.I am very proud of her as she stood rock solid on the table both days!!
Our judge on Sun. was Robert Sturm. I don’t mind losing to a good dog but this judge was not even looking at the dogs!!!!! I HATE that!!!I pay hard earned money to enter I expect that the judge would at least give me my 3 minutes of his attention. He spent most of the time looking at other rings!!!
I have worked so much on table stuff with Harmony I forgot to work her going around the ring with dogs in front and behind her!!!! She was getting with the program so I think just a little more time.