Harmony ~ KCP 09

This was Harmony’s  second show ever. The first show was not so good….. When the judge went to go over her, Harmony EEEPPEED and the judge jumped back and harmony won 🙁  So we have been working on this.I am very proud of her as she stood rock solid on the table both days!!

Our judge on Sun. was Robert Sturm. I don’t mind losing to a good dog but this judge was not even looking at the dogs!!!!! I HATE that!!!I pay hard earned money to enter I expect that the judge would at least give me my 3 minutes of his attention. He spent most of the time looking at other rings!!!

I have worked so much on table stuff with Harmony I forgot to work her going around the ring with dogs in front and behind her!!!! She was getting with the program so I think just a little more time.

Aiden ~ KCP 09

Aiden is pretty cute. Here he is in the 12-18 class. We are working on getting him to stop doing the dancing bear trick in the ring 🙂

Sable Merle ad on COL

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie


SB 250

Categories:Animal Welfare

If you want to get an idea of how this will affect us and what to do  here is a link :

Save Our Dogs

COL Sable Merle ad #2

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie


Grace ~ Mission Circuit 09

Grace was pretty cute!!! I went in on Dax for best of winners and Daneen took in Grace. She was a wild monkey!!! Daneen had just came from running Masher in agility and was still in her bright camo's!! Daneen steered Grace to Best of Winners and picked up a 4 point major under Dorthy Dalton!!! Way to go girls!!!

Grace MC 09

Dax ~ Mission Circuit 09

Dax was WD the first day of the Mission Circuit… For a  4 point major under judge Dorthy Dalton!!!

Dax MC 09 

Nice photo but wish his tail was not mid wag 🙂

Coat of May Colors ~ Kathy Moll

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Here is a GREAT article backed by SCIENCE written on the Merle and Sable Merle.

You can find it here on ColliesOnLine

June Bug ~ Mission Circuit 09

So.CA Sable Merle Meeting Video 1 of 7~ Tom Coen

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Here is the first of seven clips of the Sable Merle meeting that Tom Coen was nice enough to present to the So. Ca Collie Fanciers.

In this first clip you can see and hear the comment made by Tom himself about “@*#$%# the AKC” that he said he had heard from someone somewhere else. This is the comment that Bob Futh wrote about in an email that he claimed the the So Ca people treated Tom Coen badly and used foul language. You can hear for yourself there was no foul language from the So Ca people. Bob Futh never aplogized for this error on his part….. He or Sally just replied  that he/she does not like to hear foul language and to stick to the topic…. Well I think the topic of that email was that Tom himself was the one who said the foul language in repeating what someone else had told him. Bob/Sally basically lied and were caught in a lie.