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Categories:Animal Welfare

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Update on SB250 and other assinine bills

Categories:Animal Welfare

True Agendas

Monday, August 03, 2009

California Legislative Schedule: nada till Aug 17th

Here's the latest info as of midnight tonight; call, fax and especially VISIT your district and Capitol legislators' offices during the next two weeks. Do you want these anti-animal bills to become law? No? Then step away from the computer and act NOW. 😀

I'm not posting a bunch of links tonight; got everything from searching here. Nothing is currently scheduled until the Assembly and Senate gets back from their summer break.

AB233: in ASM Appropriations suspense file
ACR 74: in ASM Business and Professions ~ both may come back in 2010
SB250: in ASM Appropriations suspense file; can come out of suspense at any time
SB135: in ASM Appropriations, no hearing date set
AB1437: in SEN Health, no hearing date set
AB241, AB242 & AB243: all to be heard in SEN Appropriations on 8/17
AB1122: to the SEN floor for vote on or after 8/1
SB318: to the ASM floor for vote on or after 8/17

In case you've forgotten what these bills mean, here's a quick summary of the primary concerns:

AB1122 – virtually no more pet sales in the entire state… unless you're a shelter or animal control. The bill plays into the whole 'guardian' vs owner language plus a nod toward the anti-animal folks who say 'animals are not ours to enslave.' The Calif Dept of Finance Opposes this bill (per 7/22/09 analysis).

SB318 – allows personal property to be seized and then awarded, without first going through a trial, to private organizations for resale and profit. Perhaps the very organizations which caused the property to be seized.

AB243 – also allows property to be seized and then given, without first going through a trial, to private organizations for resale and profit. Again, perhaps the very organizations which caused the property to be seized.

AB241 – allows HSUS to determine how many dogs or cats anyone can own OR CARE FOR. Will destroy small businesses including boarding kennels and service dog kennels in California . It has virtually nothing to do with poor quality commercial dog breeders; the author has identified only 5 such kennels, but perhaps 1,000 other boarding/service/police/show dog kennels will become illegal.

AB242 – anti dogfighting bill. HSUS sponsored. Increases penalties and probable number of inmates in state's penal system, thus increasing state costs. The Calif Dept of Finance is neutral but notes monetary concerns on this bill.

SB250 – mandates every cat and dog in the state be sterilized unless owners buy an unaltered pet license IF local governments CHOOSE to make them available. The Calif Dept of Finance Opposes this bill (per 6/24/09 and 7/14/09 analyses).

SB135 – the Cow Tail Bill. HSUS tells dairies how to manage their business. Will cause dairy cow deaths since shortened tails would be considered 'animal abuse.' Off to the butchers they'll go…

AB1437 – HSUS tells egg ranchers outside California how to manage their business. Affects interstate commerce. Affects egg production & sales. Demands hen housing systems proven to increase chicken deaths and chicken illnesses – for out of state businesses.

AB233 – tax return rebates for buying a shelter animal.

ACR 74 – resolution with no legal impact. Endorses No Kill animal shelter methods, though promised changes dilute them to the point of non-usefulness.

Bill Bruce Tour

Categories:Animal Welfare

           THE BILL BRUCE TOUR by Janice Anderson

During the month of June, 2009, California Federation of Dogs Clubs (CFoDC),
in conjunction with the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA), Orange
Empire Kennel Club and Silver Bay Kennel Club sponsored Bill Bruce, Director
of Calgary Animal Services & By-Laws (ordinances), to present his model for
the most successful animal services department in North America.  This, in
an effort to bring viable solutions to communities within California that
may be dealing with unwarranted and excessive legislation or high rates of
impounds and euthanasia of dogs and cats,

"We don't have a pet problem.  We have a people problem", states Bill Bruce
as he begins.  Owner responsibility is the mantra in Calgary.  A three prong
approach to responsible pet ownership incorporates licensing, public
education and enforcement.  Educational programs developed for school age
children through adults, address responsible citizenship and responsible
animal ownership.   Educational programs include PAWS: Dog Bite Prevention,
Dogs in Our Society, Urban Coyotes and the Junior By-Law Project, just to
name a few. There is strong public support for the efforts of Bill Bruce by
the citizens of Calgary, as they enjoy their pets in a community full of
dog-friendly parks, paths and off-leash areas.  They gain comfort knowing
that their kinder-friendlier Animals Services Department is there to help,
not harm.

Bill Bruce, as the Director of Animal Services and Bylaws in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, took over a struggling program.  He has had remarkable
success,  developing a program which now (2008) boasts a licensing
compliance rate for dogs of 91%, a return to owner rate of 85% and a
euthanasia rate of only 6%.  A newly implemented licensing program (2007)
for cats already has a licensing compliance rate of 54%, a return to owner
rate of 56% and only an 18% euthanasia rate.  A majority of those animals
being humanely destroyed are for behavioral issues and poor health or
injuries.  Aggressive animal incidents are almost non-existent.  With a
population base of over 1 million people, those are staggering statistics.
In addition, Calgary has no limit laws, no breed specific laws, no mandatory
spay/neuter ordinances and no interference from animals rights groups. 

At Animal & Bylaw Services, the mission statement is to "Encourage a safe,
healthy, vibrant community for people and their pets, through the
development, education and compliance of bylaws that reflect community
values."  "They have a right to have pets and we want to ensure they're
properly cared for, so we don't end up with more unwanted pets." Through the
use of modern technology, a licensed animal found wandering the streets is
returned directly to its home (for a small fee) whenever possible.  This
saves time and money for everyone.  However, an unlicensed animal will be
taken immediately to the shelter.  Before the pet can be released to its
owner, licensing requirements must be met and the owner is fined $250.
Repeat offenders face penalties that increase in $250 increments per
violation.  While educating the public is essential, sometimes money is the
strongest motivator.  Bruce targets owners, rather than pets, saying "any
animal that ends up in a shelter is there because the human end of the
relationship failed." It's all part of his philosophy about animals and
their owners.

This approach helps to facilitate a $5 million annual operating budget,
which is generated through license and penalty revenues, with no cost to the
taxpayer.  Fees generated from cat licenses have provided the community of
Calgary with a state of the art facility providing no-charge spay/neuter
services for pets from low-income homes.  The clinic, staffed by a full-time
vet, may be the final feather in Bruce's cap.  "Within three to five years,
we'll be a no-kill city," said chief Animal Control officer Bill Bruce. "No
animal will be killed unless it's in the best interest of the animal."

With a model that is tried and true, Bill Bruce has been met everywhere he
goes by enthusiastic crowds.  The SoCal Tour was a whirlwind for Bill,
visiting 4 counties in 5 days; San Diego, San Bernadino, Kern County and
Sacramento.  Bill expertly navigated through his Power Point presentation,
explaining how Calgary has become known as the most successful Animal
Services Department in North America.  Each presentation was followed by
lengthily Q&A sessions from his audiences, which included city and county
officials; animals control officers, supervisors, police officers, breeders,
rescue groups and the general public.  Several officials had the opportunity
to meet with Bill Bruce privately and discuss his successful program in
detail, while he toured SoCal shelters. Citizens and officials of Kern
County had a chance to meet Bill at a social prior to his presentation. The
media attention was great, with television stations, print media and Inga
Barks of KERN radio taking advantage of "By-law Bill's" visit to California.

The presentation in Kern County was held in conjunction with the Kern County
Animal Control Commission (KCACC) meeting.  The commissioners voted to move
the meeting and location of their June meeting to facilitate Bruce's
appearance, which was held at the County Supervisors Chambers.  This meeting
location offered a unique opportunity to have the presentation filmed by
KGOV.  KGOV will be airing the Bill Bruce presentation in July and August
and has DVD's available to the public for a $25.00 fee.  KGOV may be reached
at (661)868-3000 or accessed at

Our cities, our counties and our state are being overrun with animal related
legislation, much of it under the guise of "pet overpopulation".  Bruce
states, "We can reduce the number of animals in the shelter by reducing the
number of unwanted animals being produced."  It is being realized through
his campaign for owner responsibility, including a bylaw with strict rules
and stiff fines.

Our elected officials have been approached to endorse severe and expensive
ordinances to limit pets and the rights of their owners.  Much of the
legislation being foisted upon us is by special interest groups from beyond
the borders of California.  Groups that have no stake in the effect  of
their actions, other than satisfying an agenda that attacks the property
rights of animal owners and agriculture, forcing unwarranted expenses on our
citizens, our businesses, our communities and our state. 

Gracious and generous with his time, we are fortunate that Calgary is so
willing to allow their very popular and successful Director to travel far
and wide, sharing their program with other communities, not only in the
United States, but around the world.  The Calgary Model is one possible
solution available to communities that can enable them to successfully run
an animal control program with no cost to the taxpayer.  Early reports from
Kern County verify a keen interest in the Calgary model.   A KCACC
sub-committee has been formed to bring back recommendations to the
Commission.  It is our hope that other communities will follow.&#01
60; We do not
want to waste this opportunity.

Gracie puppy dog agility class


Learning touches on a baby teeter.


Jump chutes


Gracie being a good girl on the table.




Gracie loves the tunnels!!!!

Pat Hastings Puppy Puzzle Seminar, CA Sept. 5, 2009

Categories:dog info

PuppyPuzzlePaps2pgs (Page 01)

PuppyPuzzlePaps2pgs (Page 02)

NWR USDAA Ella’s jumpers run

Ella was moving! It was a nice run with one little oopsie….. She is not a bar knocker so not sure what happened.

Raw Feeding

I LOVE to blog but my friend and co breeder writes soooooo much better than I do….

She has a great post on her site……..  Diana's great Raw Feeding post

Harmony & Aiden

I give Barbara Saracino of Sunshine Portraits LOTS of credit getting this shot!!!! Aiden was being a bobblehead and and doing the drop sit drop sit drop thing because they were up on a table and we have been working table in agility…. He had me laughing. He was so proud of himself. Harmony was just perfect 🙂



I just love this little boy. He is funny and oh so loving!! I never thought that a little dog could be soooooo much fun!!!!! We are having a blast at agility.


Sable Merle update 7/19/09

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

It has been 11 days since the Petition ballot closed and the Tellers Committee have already tallied the votes.

The silence from Bob Futh CCA President, the EC & the DD's has been DEAFENING!!!! 

While there are other issues that are causing turmoil in the CCA right now I feel that the President flipping off the CCA membership by NOT validating or saying ANYTHING about the Petition Vote is and should be pretty high up on the priority list!!!!

The membership via the EC & the DD's needs to hold the Pesident Bob Futh accountable!!!!!!!