Latest on the SRC ~ 6/09/09

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

Dear District Directors and Board Members,
As chairman of the Standard Review Committee I want to give you a final update.  Our committee is currently completing the last remaining task of those proposed in my December letter.
Our final job is to survey the entire membership concerning this issue.  As a committee we feel strongly about an informed, educated membership.  It would be premature and unfair to take a vote of the  entire membership before those who don't have internet access are given the opporunity to review the educational materials.
In the interest of accurate and complete communication I am sending you directly and in advance, the educational materials and poll that will be mailed shortly by the Newsletter Editor to all CCA members.  Our committee requests that you encourage your constituents to review the materials and to please vote.
This committee has worked long and hard to achieve the goals of educating and surveying the membership as per AKC recommendation.  We have been told by the AKC that we have done an excellent and very thorough job.  We realize there is no way to please everyone, especially those on BOTH sides of this issue who are extremely passionate and rigid in their positions.  Being in the middle has been very frustrating for us and we have always tried to take the high road and stay with rational, intelligent discussion.  Thank you for your confidence in us to serve as your Standard Review Committee.
Enjoy your summer and your dogs!

Tom Coen, Chairman

Would the "high road" mean that surveys and questionnaire's are worded in a VERY biased and filled with leading questions????

Here is the survey….. Drum roll please……


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