Archive for category: The Sable Merle Collie

Sable Merles

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

This is a letter from Tom Coen to the CCA board members. Dear Board Members,   As chairman of the proposed Standard Review Committee I want to update you on what has transpired to this point and let you know our tentative plans for the future.  Let me reiterate that this is a committee charged […]

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Sable Merle’s

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

I thought the text from Oren Kem from The Complete Collie 1952 was VERY  interesting.  "If you will study the history of the breed, I think you will find at one time or another that both the tri and the blue were held in low regard and almost threatened with extinction by the dominating sables.  […]

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Sable Merles

Categories:The Sable Merle Collie

The Collie Club of America recognizes 4 colors in the AKC standard. Sable, Tri, Blue Merle and White. What about the Sable Merle???? There is a growing call for the Sable Merle to be included in the standard. This is not the first time this issue has come up and until they are included I […]

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