Great blog post on the evils of H$U$, PETA and the like
Take the time to read this blog post…… GREAT POST LINK HERE
Read moreTake the time to read this blog post…… GREAT POST LINK HERE
Read more"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." — Ben Stein "You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage — pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically — to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having […]
Read moreREALLY???????? This ad is VERY reminiscent of the ad below. Common sense????? To have LOTS of different judges for one show???? That would have meant LOTS of extra expenses!!!! Meaning extra airfare, extra hotel rooms, extra meals etc!!!!! Communicator?????? What part of the the Ok National is a CCA hosted show and not […]
Read moreThis is so cool and amazing!!!! HERE IS THE LINK TO SEE THE BIRTH OF AN ELEPHANT!!!
Read moreThis post is under the sable merle category but this election and the blatant underhanded things that have been going on in the CCA go WAY beyond the sable merle issue. So elections are underway for CCA. I am sure that most people have already received their ballots.This is the only way you as a […]
Read moreWe are happy to be participating in a wonderful program that helps so many involved!!! The programs is a landfill diversion program that allows us to take food that would otherwise go into the landfills and use it to feed animals. It is a win win situation all the way around. If you feed a […]
Read moreSTRESSFUL!!!!!!!!! The good news is that I lost 7 pounds this weekend!!!! The GREAT news is Masher & Daneen won the Grand Prix and Mashy is now the 2009 12" Grand Prix World Champion!!!! Daneen and Masher are going out for the IFCS World Team for 2010. It has been a year long endevevour […]
Read moreCory going WD/ BoV under Mrs. Graser
Read moreJune Bug going WB/ BoS under Mrs. Graser
Read moreJune bug was WB and BoS under Mr. Graser from the bred by class.
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